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Have you tried hiring from the Retryment Community?

By October 10, 2018February 20th, 2019No Comments

No, you did not misread the title.  As you get used to reading my blogs, you will see I like to “raise eyebrows”.

Let me propose what might be an ideal candidate:

  • Educated, either formally or through a lot of experience
  • Business savvy
  • Bringing skills to the job
  • Willing to learn, expand on current skills or develop new ones
  • May not need all the benefits offered, perhaps not even medical
  • Flexible schedule, perhaps able to work remotely or virtually
  • Does not need an impressive title
  • Flexible on compensation, in fact may trade lowering compensation requirements for flexible work and learning opportunities/challenges
  • More than likely highly retainable without much need for “engagement/coddling”
  • Won’t try to take your job
  • Does not need a “corner office with a window”
  • Fits into teams, usually the “knowledge focal point”, does not need to be the leader
  • Innovative, learned from past efforts
  • May consider volunteer work, likes the thought of “giving back to the community”

Sounds a lot like a millennial?  Look closer, you may not recognize them, as they are now retired and perhaps, in your mind, off the table for consideration.

But let’s examine what might make them viable.  And yes, I called them the Retrymees from the Retryment Community, because they are looking!  They are possibly RETRYING a new career or extending their current path with a new perspective.  Possibly considering how to extend their retirement/social security income, provide flexibility of schedules, keep themselves occupied with meaningful opportunities, and enjoy their later years in more comfort.

I speak as “one of the gray hairs”, that some of my personal interest is to keep working to keep healthy and productive.  And I am joined by many people I know. We have knowledge, experience, and flexibility, want to continue to contribute, and not necessarily leave our destiny in the hands of others with no input.  And, for those of us with the “technical bent”, the incredible things that could happen in the future will affect us, so we would like to be a part of accelerating that future to become reality.

So where would I find these folks?  Post a job on the AARP site or other county/government job site, establish an alumni community of retirees, use social media to reach them via Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook (many are there daily to keep connected).

And when you do hire someone from the Retryment Community, celebrate it publicly, their social network rivals others in existence.  The word will spread, your branding will be favorable, and you will draw others from various generations, because you value potential, which the Retryment community truly represents.



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